For any progress to be made in building up the horses upper neck and back muscles, he must be working correctly over his back. The long back muscle must be swinging rhythmically, one side, then the other. That is, he must be losgelassen.
LOSGELASSENHEIT or suppleness – A prerequisite for ANY work in a contact, or on straightness, impulsion or collection. Without losgelassenheit, attempting work on these things creates tension and resistance.
Only a back which has been well developed through training will be able to raise the forehand in trot. This is why the swinging back which allows the rider to sit in the medium and extended trot is the test of a well ridden horse. If the rider is thrown up out of the saddle, this is an example of a rigidly held back that does not swing.
A section of the large rump muscles is joined to the long back muscle by a large tendinous sheet – the fascia. This means both the muscles work together during movement meaning that the hindlegs cannot stride out freely when the back is held tense. This also means that the back muscle cannot function properly if the hindlegs are restricted in their natural rhythm by the riders incorrect leg and hand aids. From the fascia also extends the broad muscle of the back, which runs from the lumbar area in an angle towards the ribs and upper arm. If the long back muscle is held in cramped tension, this is transferred to the broad back muscle, restricting the action of the foreleg. As the long back muscle is also attached to the ribs, when it is tense it stops the horse from breathing freely. When the horse stops being tense and cramped and swings rhythmically, it can breathe and snorts. Snorting (deep exhalation) indicates a horse is relaxing.
The first thing that disrupts the function of the horses back is the incorrect seat of the rider. A rider pounding on the back in trot forces the muscle to become tense and cramped. The rider should sit lightly forward ie in the direction of the fibres of the long back muscle (These run from the top at the back to forward at the front). The back will relax even quicker is less weight is placed on it, therefore it is a good idea to begin training sessions in riding trot and only go into sitting trot when the back is supple and swinging and allows the rider to sit.
Exercising muscles of the back
Canter transitions, long canter sessions while out hacking, climbing hills. The canter is much more important and builds more strength than the trot.
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